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Desert Tan Boulders

Arizona granite rock quarry shipping bulk gravel, rock and boulders throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in California also available.
There are many uses for them like in gardens, decorative features, landscapes, hard scapes, dry river beds, and pool areas. Desert Tan Boulders come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs best ranging from 1 foot to 6 foot.

Small boulders are easily moved with basic hand pushed landscape equipment. Most boulders that are 3 feet or smaller can be easily handled 2 or 3 healthy men or a small tractor. Work with boulders larger than 3 feet is likely include some use of a tractor and skilled landscape construction staff. We offer boulder placement and equipment operating services in many locations, contact us for more information..

When ordering use the Purchase Order function at checkout and enter ROCK as your payment method. This will allow you to create an order for a firm transportation quote without having to pay for it at this time. While we have posted transport rates, in many circumstances we are able to ship the order to you for less. You will be given a firm cost on the whole order within a few minutes to a few hours.
Desert Tan Boulders